Penumbra v1.1

Mobs in Penumbra are lev 160-230 except missions mobs and 2 factions leaders. All mobs there can drop Fragment of the Source (garden's quest). I ll start to describe the east area, Penumbra Hollows and finally  the west area.

Frozen Plateu

Mobs : Mortiigs of the Hourglass 180-188, Hecklers of the Hourglass 190-.., The Heckler's Vindicator 200-210 drop Patterns (Morrow, Quondam)

Bosses : Drop Patterns (Quondam, Morrow)

Ipakut 190 (2255 ; 400) Akapan 190 Ikaria  Zakynthos 208

The Ravine 

Mobs : Frozen Rafters, Icy Predators, Stalking Predators - Leader 160-167

Penumbra Valley

From South to North

Extreme South

Portal to Adonis (1860 ; 90). 

Mobs: Arctic Leet

South from incarnator 

Mobs : Hecklers of (Harmony, Dreams, ...) 220 on the Brink.

Frosty Rafters, Frosty Rafterrs - Twice Marked, Taigan Stalkers - Marked by Vanya, Icy Predators, Stalking Predators - Leader 160-170: drop Pattern Sampsa, Insignias Cama, Vanya, Monster Parts, Gems

Bosses: 170-180. Drop Pattern Sampsa 185, Outsider's Armor, Notum Saturated Animal Bone, 

Slender Rafter (2200 ; 650) Slight Rafter (2340 ; 700) Meager Stalker (2085 ; 825) Bony Stalker (2270 ; 790)

Incarnator area  

Mobs: Hecklers of (Harmony, Dreams,...) 220 on the Brink

 Icy Shadows, Chimera Cranii - Marked 163-169 

Guardian of Discords, Hecklers of Amity (191 ; 199) East of Incarnator near Brink

Bosses: Drop Pattern Hadur

Skyros 200 Folegandros 200

Dungeon : (2487 ; 1183)

Chest's Items Coils and Spindles ql 157-175-192

Mobs: 160-178 Loot
Cripplers of Destiny, Shadows (Icy, Burning), Hoathlans, Bound Dryads Gems, Monster Parts, Small Patch of Notum Spangled Hide, Fragment of the Source
Mortiigs Predator, Infernal Vortexoids, Malah Fama SL weapons, SL Nanos, Small Patch of Novictum spangled Hide, Gems, Jewels
Wailing spirits Enraged Pith of Novictum, Vicious Novictum Continuity, Furious Novictum Nexus, Small Pieces of Metal Ore, Fragment of the Source
Rancid 175 3 Emperor Gems
Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Boss


Dungeon : (2383 ; 920)

Chest's Items Coils and Spindles ql 166-185-203

Mobs: 169-189 Loot
Cripplers of Destiny, Bound Dryads, Croakers of (Solitude, Desolation), Coral Rafters (Panicked, Wandering), Weavers of Spirits, Guard Turret, Kolaanas Gems, Monster Parts, Small Patch of Notum Spangled Hide, Fragment of the Source
Infernal Vortexoids, Malah-Fama SL weapons, SL Nanos, Small Patch of Novictum spangled Hide, Gems, Jewels
Wailing spirits (floor 4) Enraged Pith of Novictum, Vicious Novictum Continuity, Furious Novictum Nexus, Small Pieces of Metal Ore, Fragment of the Source
Rancid 185 3 Emperor Gems, Amulet of Algid Amber
Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Boss


Redeemed Dungeon (2300 ; 857)

Chest's Items Coils and Spindles ql --

Mobs 193 Loot
Rancid  3 Emperor Gems, Amulet of Algid Amber
Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Boss


Redeemed Dungeon (2620 ; 910 )

Chest's Items Coils and Spindles ql --

Mobs 215 Loot
Conserver Enel Gil-Cama  
Rancid  3 Emperor Gems, Amulet of Algid Amber
Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Boss


North from incarnator 

Mobs: Hecklers of (Harmony, Dreams,...) 220 on the Brink

Vortexoids, Weaver of Spirits 182-188,

Frosty Rafters, Taigan Stalkers 160-168

Bosses: 170-180 Drop Patterns (Bagaspati, Brutal Rafter  185), Monster Parts

Vadleany (2425 ; 1600) Abnoba (2605 ; 1686)    
Rugged Rafter (2440 ; 1720)  Nimble Stalker (2460 ; 1360) Lithe Stalker (2527 ; 1506) Boorish Rafter (2376 ; 1326)

Near White Citadel

Mobs: Demon of Water,  Prime Devourer of Light -Leader, Weavers of Spirits (180-190). Drop Gems, Monster Parts, Half Digested Body Parts

Ruins Area

Mobs: Penumbral Spirit Hunters 160-170 Pattern The Penumbral Spirit Hunter

Bosses: Drop Pattern The Penumbral Spirit Hunter

Skedadding Spirit 172 (2345 ; 1937) Vamoosing Spirit 170 (2282 ; 1917)

Spirit Area

Mobs: Slinking Spirits, Voluminous Spirits - Marked by Vanya, Magnanimous Spirits, Forgotten Beasts, Cascading Spirits 165. Drop Enraged Pith of Novictum, Vicious Novictum Continuity, Furious Novictum Nexus, Small Pieces of Metal Ore, Spirit Siphons, Spirits

Savvy Spinetooth, Malah-Ea 160-170 

Bosses: 173-175. Drop Pattern Anya

Maywaqaham 175 (2510 ; 2270) Waqamawi 175 (2506 ; 2167) Malah-Eadem 173


Penumbra Fortress

Faction Mobs: Calun-Cur - Leader, Eron-Cur - Leader, Cama-El - Marked by Vanya, Eile-Len - Coordinator - Coordinator, Sun-Len, Rawa-El - Marked, Auram-Cur, Son-Len - Blessed by Cama, Aile-Len, Calan-Cur, Rowa-El (160-165)

Craig-Or of... (sellors) 170, Celeth-El, The Custodian 175,

Visionist Man-Bhotaar Van 170  (2195 ; 1070). Drop Slipper of Manoeuvring, Simians Bracelet, Visionist Tool, Angellin's Wristband, Phizzle' Black Ring

Fortuitous Hes-Yutt Van 170 (2195 ; 1070). Drop Melee Fighter's Manual

Entrance to Penumbra Hollows: ( ; )

White Citadel


Mobs: Demons of Water

Faction Mobs: 160-169 Sun-Len, Calan-Cur, Auram-Cur, Aile-Len,  Cama-El - Marked by Vanya, Coma-El - Marked by Vanya, Rowa-El, Eron-Cur - Leader 164, Rawa-El - Marked 165,  Calum-Cur - Leader 163, 

 Buran-Kuiri - Leader 169 (3157 ; 2177), Baran-Cuir - Leader 168 (3203 ; 2136)Kurd-Kuir, The Custodian 180 (3217 ; 2196)


Eile-Len - Coordinator - Coordinator 160, Cama-El - Marked by Vanya, Calun-Cur - Leader 163, Calan-Cur, Eile-Len, Son-Len - Marked by Vanya, Eron-Cur - Leader, Rowa-El, Son-Len - Blessed by Cama, Aile-Len, Coma-El - Marked by Vanya, Baran-Kuir - Leader 168 , Buran-Kuiri - Leader 168,  Craig-Or of--- (sellors) 170,  Auram-Cur

Leon-Suir, The Custodian 190, Baran-Kuir, The Custodian 246.

Unredeemed dungeon (3124 ; 2017)

Chest's Items: Coils and Spindles ql 175-195-214

Mobs 186-197 Loot
Hoathlans, Bound Dryads, Croakers of (Solitude, Desolation), Cripplers of Destiny, Kolaanas, Guard Turret, Security Camera Gems, Monster Parts, Small Patch of Notum Spangled Hide, Fragment of the Source
Infernal Vortexoids, Malah-Fama SL weapons, SL Nanos, Small Patch of Novictum spangled Hide, Gems, Jewels
Wailing spirits (floor 4) Enraged Pith of Novictum, Vicious Novictum Continuity, Furious Novictum Nexus, Small Pieces of Metal Ore, Fragment of the Source
Craig-Or, Celeth-El SL weapons, SL Nanos, Small Patch of Novictum spangled Hide, Gems
Rancid 195 3 Emperor Gems
Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Boss


Unredeemed dungeon (3041 ; 2094 )

Chest's Items: Coils and Spindles ql 215

Mobs 205-215 Loot
Guard Turret  
Rancid  3 Emperor Gems
Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Boss


Unredeemed Temple: (3225 ; 2205)

Faction mobs: Cama-El - Marked by Vanya, Calan-Cur, Baran-Kuir - Leader, Son-Len - Blessed by Cama,  there can drop  Insignias and Faction SL armor pieces or weapons. Jobe Defender Naginata (Keeper, Enforcer), Canister of Pure Liquid Notum

Named Mobs


Fortuitous Abad-Fes Van 171 first room Melee Fighter's Manual
Fortuitous Man-Roch Van 176 second room left Melee Fighter's Manual
Fortuitous Xum-Gulu Van second room right Melee Fighter's Manual
Hypnagogic Yutt-Chi Mord 206 third room left  
Prophet Urga Van 185 third room left  
Visionist Urga-Hes Van - Marked by Vanya third room left  
Hypnagogic Ixi-Lum Van third room left  
Follower Xum-Eckel Van 177 third room right Trade buff Rings
Follower Yutt-Pi Van 179 third room right Trade buff Rings
Patriarch Prophet Nar Van 185. If you kill him spawns Acolyte Cama Hume 140 give him 6 Vanya insignias then Spawn Omega Carlos Truhillo SL armor, SL weapons, Black Cloak Hood, Thin Shoulder Pad of Urga Van
Omega Carlos Truhillo 190 with adds. If you kill him spawns Unredeemed Vanya Carlos's Danger Boots, Carlos's Pants, Carlos's Sleever, SL Armor
Unredeemed Vanya 200 will adds Long gloves of Vanya

Spirit Room: 

Cascading, Slinking spirits 165 Spirit Siphon, Small Pieces of metal ore, Novictum, Spirits


: 220-230: Archaics (Guardians, Commanders, War Machines, Drones), Gallu Champions, Chtonian (Guardians, Ravagers)

    Life Lichen, Power Bug, Notum Slug
    Dangerous Container, Jewels, Gems, Monster Parts


    Ring of Divine Teardrops
Spirits Catacombs


Penumbra Hollows

Use some Elavator Switches there to go up and down the platforms. If you fall in the Abyss you ll be teleported to Penumbra's Garden. 

Central area

Mobs: Hiisi Warriors - Blessed by Cama, Hiisi Runners, Hiisi Charmers, Hiisi Medecine Men, Hiisi Scouts 161-170

Bosses: (170-174). Drop Patterns 182 (Kaleva, Juma), Die Kleine Nadel, Sanguisugent Armor

Ilmatar (1873 ; 1070) Turris (1825 ; 1070) Sampasa (1853 ; 1195) Pajainen (1850 ; 950)
Kul-Uasa (1850 ; 860) Egres (1880 ; 830) Rauni (1850 ; 800) Nyrckes (1820 ; 830)

North  area

Mobs: White Dryads 161-170. Drop: Monster Parts, Gems

Bosses: (171-175). Drop Pattern 185 The Dryad Shuffle

Cool (1850 ; 1260) Crisp 175 (1850 ; 1290)

South area

Mobs: Adumbrate Shadows and Adumbrate Hiathlins 161-170

Bosses: 170-175. Drop Patterns 180 Srahir, Killer's Armor, Gems

Chilly Gust (1775 ; 605) Esanell (1835 ; 570)


Blue Mist 

Faction Mobs: Len-Wu, Len-We, Len-Dosa, Len.Dasa, Cur-Man, Cur-Baat, Cur Beat, Cur-Men 160-165

El-Afat, The Custodian 175

Sipius Cama Ilad-Lux 170 (1077 ; 336), Watcher Cama Mara-Thar - Leader (1050 ; 175), Kuir-Kaleth, The Custodian 180 (1033 ; 130), Diviner Cama Yeol-Ocra 170 (1048 ; 96), Or-Mada of---(sellors) 170 inside house, Devoted Cama Hume-Zean 170 (980 ; 203)

Redeemed Dungeon: (1015 ; 333)

Chest's Items: Coils and Spindles ql --

Mobs 217 Loot
Rancid  3 Emperor Gems, Amulet of Algid Amber
Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Boss

Glacier Hill

Vanya Statue


Penumbra Forest


South Area

Mobs: Hecklers of (Harmony, Dreams, 220 ; 230

White Dryads Area (East)

Mobs: Ercorashes, White Dryads, Icy Shadows, 160-167

Bosses: 170-175 Drop Patterns (The Stupendous Breeder, The Brobdingnagian Mother

A Dauntless Dryad  (1555 ; 916) A Fearless Dryad (1490 ; 808)
A Daring Dryad A Resolute Dryad ((1626 ; 325)

Forest and South

Mobs: Icy Predators, Frozen Rafters, Stalking Predators - Leader, Taigan Stalker - Tainted, Frosty Rafters - Marked by Vanya, Taigan Chimeras 160-167

Bosses: 170-175

Pudgy Stalker (1743 ; 260) Outsider's Armor
Hefty Rafter (1367 ; 283) Nonpartisan Armor, Half Digested Human parts
Stubby Stalker (1170 ; 240) (area Blue Mist)  
Riven Rafter (1207 ; 732) Pattern Glitter, Half Digested Human Parts, Monster parts, Gems
Sleet (1326 ; 575) Pattern Glitter
Floe (1228 ; 584) Pattern Glitter
Snappy Rafter (1257 ; 545) Nonpartisan Armor, Pattern Glitter

Algor Eremites - Blessed by Cama

Bosses: 170-175. Drop Pattern The Maggot Lord 205

Flegmatic Eremite (1220 ; 880) Imperturbable Eremite (1337 ; 875)

Near the Brink (West)

Hecklers and Horrors : Guardians of Strife, Hecklers of Harmony 190-195 

Bosses: 200

Alonissos Lefkodo

Slither's Area

Jagged Slithers 190 Drop Superior Quality Molock Muktuk, Potion of Yesterday's Thought

Anti-Mologh 220, Notum Scourge 220


Maar Wing

North Area

Mobs:  Anti-Molokh 220

Demons of Shadow - Marked by Vanya, Demons of Water 180-190

Hiisian Steed - Tainted 165-168, Hiisi Runners 160-169

Bosses: 172-175. Drop Pattern Breaker Teuvo 178

Shadowmane (820 ; 1297) Breaker Reijo (664 ; 1313)

White Dryads 160-168
Bosses   drop Patterns (The Brodingnagian Mother, The Stupendous Breeder), Gems, Grey Glyph

The Hollow's Ranger 185 (1495 ; 1710) The Hollow's Warden 182 (1512 ; 1425)

Extreme North

Mobs: Swift Sivertails - Marked by Vanya 160

Cave entrance (1395 ; 2434)

Mobs: Corpse Cutter - Blessed by Cama 161-167)

Bosses: 170-175 Drop Pattern Eidolean Souldredge 180

Meager Spirit (1434 ; 2571) Exiguous Spirit - Marked by Vanya (1465 ; 2555)

Redeemed Village: El-Korat, El-Feret - Marked by Vanya, El-Karat, El-Farat,  Kuir-Moor, Kuir-Mare, Suir-Sequi, The Custodian 190 (1744 ; 2464), Sipius Cama Fala-Thar 170(1744 ; 2453), Watcher Cama Shan-Kald 170 (1822 ; 2563), Or-Mad of ---(Sellors) (1835 ; 2590), Devoted Cama Zean-Mara 170 (1832 ; 2590), Kuir-Kaleth, The Custodian 246 (1960 ; 2633)

The Pipe

Entrance to Penumbra Hollows (1558 ; 1068)

Mobs: Malah-Ea - Leader, Savvy Spinetooth - Blessed by Cama 160-169

Bosses: 172-175 Patterns Imk, Monster Parts, Super Charged Nano Crystals,  Spinetooth drop Pernicious Armor

Malah-Enimvero (1544 ; 1122) Malah-Enim (1529 ; 1187) Kumparink  (1530 ; 1263) Wataptu (1430 ; 1292)


Main Vein

Dungeon (820 ; 882). Items basis lev 195

Chest's Items: Coils and Spindles ql 175-195-214

Mobs 178-199 Loot
Croakers of (Solitude, Desolation), Bound Dryads, Kolaanas, Hoathlans, Coral Rafters (Panicked, Wandering), Shadows (Icy, Burning), Security Camera, Cripplers of Destiny, Guard Turret Gems, Monster Parts, Small Patch of Notum Spangled Hide, Fragment of the Source
Mortiigs Predators, Invernal Vortexoids, Malah Fama SL weapons, SL Nanos, Small Patch of Novictum spangled Hide, Gems, Jewels
Rancid 195 3 Emperor Gems, Amulet of Algid Amber
Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Boss


Unredeemed Dungeon (1053 ; 1112). Items basis lev .

Chest's Items: Coils and Spindles ql --

Mobs 208-214 Loot
Rancid  3 Emperor Gems, Amulet of Algid Amber
Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Boss


Dungeon (820 ; 1196). Items basis lev 195

Chest's Items: Coils and Spindles ql 175-185-214

Mobs 178-199 Loot
Wailing Spirits all Floors Enraged Pith of Novictum, Vicious Novictum Continuity, Furious Novictum Nexus, Small Pieces of Metal Ore, Fragment of the Source
Mortiigs Predators, Invernal Vortexoids, Malah Fama SL weapons, SL Nanos, Small Patch of Novictum spangled Hide, Gems, Jewels
Croakers of (Solitude, Desolation), Bound Dryads, Coral Rafters (Panicked, Wandering), Shadows (Icy, Burning), Security Camera, Cripplers of Destiny, Guard Turret Gems, Monster Parts, Small Patch of Notum Spangled Hide, Fragment of the Source
Rancid 195 3 Emperor Gems
Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Boss


Yutto's Wastelands

Village Yutto's



Faction mobs:  Kuir-Mare, Kuir-Moor, El-Karat, El-Feret - Marked by Vanya 165-170, Kuir-Kaleth, The Custodian 246 (767 ; 2081)

The Redeemed Temple: (922 ; 2054)

Mobs: Kuir-mare, El-Karat, Cur-Baat 160-170

Named Mobs


Watcher Cama Mara-Path 171 first room  
Watcher Cama Gil-Shan 172 second room down  
Watcher Cama Hume-Ulma 180 second room up  
Sipius Cama Path-Ilad 179 room south  
Ecclesiast Cama Thar 185 room south  
Diviner Cama Mara-Ruth 170 room south  
Devoted Cama Gil-Lux 179 room north  
Devoted Cama Thar-Yeol 175 room north  
Venerable Ecclesiast Cama Bela 185 room north  

Spirit Room: 

Cascading, Slinking spirits 165 Spirit Siphon, Small Pieces of metal ore, Novictum, Spirits


: 220-230: Archaics (Guardians, Commanders, War Machines, Drones), Gallu Champions, Chtonian (Guardians, Ravagers)

    Life Lichen, Power Bug, Notum Slug
    Dangerous Container, Jewels, Gems, Monster Parts


    Ring of Divine Teardrops
Spirits Catacombs

Path To Fire

Ergo: (2170 ; 2445)

Portal to Inferno: (2170 : 2588)


Data collected and map made by Boogaloo if you have some additional informations, please mail me :)